yFlicks is a great application to enjoy your videos the way you want.
The best feature of the program is probably the Front Row view, which will display all the covers for your videos and let you quickly browse through them. You an also quickly preview a movie just by hovering your mouse over it. The interface is very clear, displaying all your lists on the left side and album covers in the main window. You can also change the application to a clearer, glass interface.
Not only is yFlicks good at organizing your videos but it can also be used to play them back. Videos can be seen in full screen and you can interact with them, adding a rating or even organizing them in groups. yFlicks integrates well with Apple Remote, so you can sit back in your couch and play all your videos. What's more you can easily import movies from video sharing sites like YouTube or DailyMotion and export them to your iPod.
There are two drawbacks to the program though. First of all, yFlicks is known to lag every now and then, with this only getting worse the more movies you have in your library. Secondly, if you purchase the program you might have to wait a little bit to get your license.
Despite being a little slow, yFlicks is a great program to preview your video library and play them back from the comfort of your couch.
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